About Religious Education
We at TUS believe that Unitarian Universalism affirms all families, of origin and of choice. Parents and caregivers find support to embrace their role as children’s primary religious educators in helping their children as well as themselves engage in faith formation—to open authentic conversations with children about difficult topics—to grow in faith together through religious practices, truth-seeking, justice work, service projects, and more. While UU family ministry comes in many shapes and sizes, at its core, UU family faith development is a journey of relationships. Family members connect with one another, the faith community, and the universe to discover and rediscover a dynamic, sustaining faith. We offer various opportunities to engage with other children with the guidance of our Director of Religious Education as well as adult volunteers during our Spirit Lab and other offerings. Our religious education program is on hiatus for the summer. Your children are welcome to attend service with you and please check out our VIP (Very Intentional Persons) space for engaging activities for use in service.